How Much Does it Cost to See a Clinical Psychologist?

psychologist therapy services Surrey
How Much Does it Cost to See a Clinical Psychologist?

Clinical Psychologists have a wide range of experience.

Depending on your specific needs and which of our Clinical Psychologists you see, the cost starts at £100 per appointment. It depends on which person you decide to meet.

We can be more specific once we have considered your particular presenting needs. We will always let you know the exact cost before you agree to meet.

Clinical Psychologists are Doctors of Psychology, having had usually 7-8 years, or more, of extensive training.

The first few meetings (1-4) with a clinical psychologist are used for assessment (the getting-to-know-you) process.

Why Does Seeing a Clinical Psychologist Cost More Than Seeing A Counsellor?

Seeing a Clinical Psychologist usually costs more per appointment than a counsellor as we aim to get the right therapy, or combination of therapies, targeted to you so that the overall course of therapy (the total number of appointments) can be the minimum necessary. Using your finances most effectively in the long run.

This decision is based on what’s called a Formulation. This latter helps to ensure that the right therapy (or specific combination of therapies) is used to target your particular difficulties; evidence and clinical based practice is offered. This usually results in fewer sessions in a course of therapy in the long run, compared with say, non-directive person centred counselling.

A Psychological Formulation is the result of a therapist Clinical Psychologist and a person, working together, to reach a shared understanding of probable causal and maintenance factors linked to a person’s difficulties. (What led to your problem/s starting and what keeps it/them going; what’s the big picture, what makes it so hard to change.)

A leaflet, explaining more about Psychological Formulations, has been produced by the British Psychological Society. “I think if you know the reason something’s happening, it automatically becomes more controllable. I could take control of them (the problems).”

Read the profiles of our Clinical Psychologists who are trained in many different therapies and who can provide a tailor-made therapy for you.

Finding a therapist that you feel you could develop a good working relationship with, is an important starting point.

Dr Jurai Darongkamas | Clinical Psychologist


Dr Jurai Darongkamas

Jurai is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist who worked in Mental Health in the National Health Service (NHS), 1986 – 2019.

She now works part time alongside select colleagues offering high quality Psychological Therapies privately.

She is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS), an experienced trainer and supervisor; previously Lead in an NHS Trust for people with complex difficulties and Board Trustee.


This page has been written to provide a brief overview for the reader. It should not be used as a basis for any action until after obtaining a professional opinion about your unique difficulties, strengths, circumstances, life history, etc.